
Geoprox run command allows specifying a configuration file using the -c or --config option or set the GEOPROX_CONFIG environment variable. This file can contain various settings to customize the behavior of the Geoprox server and commands. The configuration can be provided in any common format such as YAML, TOML, JSON, or INI.

Example Usage

Specify config using -c flag:

# from current working directory
geoprox run -c geoprox.toml

# from absolute path
geoprox run -c /my/custom/config.yaml

or using environment variables:

export GEOPROX_CONFIG='/my/custom/config.json'

geoprox run

Example Config

Here's an example configuration file in TOML format:

# All settings are optional; these are the default values.
# The address the server will bind to
http_addr = ''
# The port the server will listen on
http_port = 5000
# Request timeout
timeout = '10s'

# Determines the default geohash length for inserts
insert_depth = 6
# Determines the default geohash length for searches
search_depth = 6
# Specifies the default number of results returned in range queries
default_count = 100
# Toggles the default sorting behavior for query results
default_sorted = false

# Toggle snapshot usage
disabled = false
# Directory where snapshots will be stored
path = '/var/lib/geoprox/snapshots'
# How often snapshots will be taken
every = '30s'

Environment Variables

These are the currently supported environment variables. They will take precedence over settings defined in the configuration file.

Environment VariableDescriptionDefault Value
GEOPROX_CONFIGSpecifies the configuration file path.
GEOPROX_HTTP_ADDRThe address the server will bind to.
GEOPROX_HTTP_PORTThe port the server will listen on.5000

Fine Tuning

The insert_depth and search_depth settings control the precision of geohashing and impact the performance of distance calculations and search queries.

Optimizing insert_depth

Higher Insert Depth:

  • Description: Objects are grouped into smaller, more precise regions.
  • Impact: Searching takes slightly longer, but distance calculations are more accurate.
  • Use Case: Ideal for scenarios where precise distance measurements are crucial.

Lower Insert Depth:

  • Description: Objects are grouped into larger regions.
  • Impact: Search performance improves, but distance calculations become less accurate.
  • Use Case: Best for cases where fast general distance estimates are acceptable.

Optimizing search_depth

Higher Search Depth:

  • Description: The initial search region is smaller and more precise.
  • Impact: Search queries take slightly longer, but results are more accurate.
  • Use Case: Suitable for narrow range queries where high accuracy is needed.

Lower Search Depth:

  • Description: The initial search region is larger, leading to faster searches.
  • Impact: Search speed improves, but accuracy may be reduced.
  • Use Case: Ideal for wide range queries where speed is prioritized over precision.