Getting Started

Geoprox comes in different flavors depending on what you're cooking up. If you're looking to dive deep and use core features directly in your Rust projects, the geoprox-core crate is your go-to. It's packed with all the fundamental data structures that make Geoprox tick.

But if you're aiming for a more out-of-the-box experience, the main geoprox package is where the magic happens. It's the CLI runtime designed to sidecar with your other application services, making it super easy to integrate Geoprox into your existing setup.



To install geoprox, use the following command:

cargo install geoprox


Geoprox provides several commands to start the server and work with geohashes:

geoprox help
Usage: geoprox [COMMAND]

  run     Start Geoprox server
  encode  Hash latitude/longitude into geohash
  decode  Decode geohash into approximate longitude/latitude
  spec    Generate an OpenAPI specification file
  help    Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -h, --help     Print help
  -V, --version  Print version

To start using Geoprox, you can run the following command to start the server:

geoprox run

You can also encode and decode geohashes directly from the CLI:

# Encode latitude and longitude into geohash
geoprox encode --lat=37.7749 --lng=-122.4194 --depth=5

# Decode geohash into latitude and longitude
geoprox decode 9q8yy

For detailed help on any command, use the help command:

geoprox help encode